Cars, girls, good stuff...

środa, 8 listopada 2017

ARMY GIRL Bot attack!

...and finally - RWB 993 ARMY GIRL poster... In the name of RAUH-Welt Begriff was born original ARMY GIRL Bot. This project was inspired by one of the famous RWB Porsche builded by Akira Nakai-San for Hitoshi Hoshino-San - CEO of ARMY GIRL brand. ARMY GIRL is famous japanese fashion/jewelery brand from Tokyo, and RWB 993 ARMY GIRL is prestigous symbol of this firm. My project is tribute to this fantastic car. Why in this form? :-)
Transformers and giant robots are great symbols of japanese popculture, and just are so cool... - like RWB cars! ARMY GIRL,1048Style and Kamiwaza-Japan are famous brands associated with japanese tunning world and RWB Family. This design is related to my project - MAN Behind machine - prestigous collection of RWB cars and their owners.

Cheers to the great RWB Family from RWB Warsaw Crew!
Uncle Kwas.

Signed by Boss...

The poster is very big - details on my behance account :

czwartek, 19 października 2017

RWB 993 ARMY♥GIRL BOT in progress

This is a new idea in RAUH-Welt universe. In cooperation with fantastic Tokyo mark ARMY♥GIRL - being created new design with RWB transformer based on Porsche RWB 993 ARMY♥GIRL. I'm glad to design it! Below some sketches and progress of work on this project...
B/W sketch, contours...
Ok - first colours...

Now the bot is not alone anymore + colours and details progress...

wtorek, 5 września 2017

Sticky Rolls !!!

My new funny animation made for LabLike with Lunapark crew. My work of course - character animation. This is trailer of Sticky Rolls game... More informations in link below:

wtorek, 25 lipca 2017

RAUH-Welt Begriff Warsaw 2017 event poster

Yeah, one year later the magic of RWB is back again. Master Akira Nakai-San will come back to 911Garage and built again two fantastic RWB Porsche... This is official poster of this event... Colours of poster are linked with colours of official Tshirt - One Love RAUH- Welt Poland...
I invite You and everyone on behalf of the RAUH-Welt Begriff Warsaw to join us on this fantastic event...
3-7 August 2017 Łomianki near Warsaw...


piątek, 16 czerwca 2017

There is ONE champion! ROTANA!

Today is the Cars 3 premiere in Poland. Lightning McQueen returns, but we know that the Champion is only One! 
Zygzak McQueen powraca w trzeciej części kultowej animacji Cars, ale wiadomo, że zwycięzca jest tylko jeden - RWB 993 Rotana!!!


czwartek, 15 czerwca 2017

Happy birthday Nakai-San!

Today is a very important day - birthday of Akira Nakai-San. He is a person whos work always inspired me. Thanks for everything Boss!


środa, 7 czerwca 2017 Tshirt with Type R FK8

Hello. Ok its finally new tshirt for my Honda Civic club. Of course the main hero is new FK8 Type R. Dragons are inspired by oryginal ornaments from japanese samurai's swords. At the top - "Ruready" phrase made with new Type R font ( I must create this from new logo of FK8 CTR). At the down phrase "Power of Dreams" in japanese and the record lap time from Nurburgring... This tshirt is available to buy in official forum... 
Below direct link to this site...


środa, 10 maja 2017

RWB Tshirt Prototypes

Several new RWB tshirt prototypes... New ideas, progresss...

RAUH-Welt RWB 993 Kabuto Poland - Front

RAUH-Welt RWB 993 Kabuto Poland - Back

RAUH-Welt RWB 993 Kodachi Australia - Front

RAUH-Welt RWB 993 Kodachi Australia - Back

RAUH-Welt RWB 964 Poland - Front

RAUH-Welt RWB 964 Poland - Back

RAUH-Welt RWB 993 Poland - Front

RAUH-Welt RWB 993 Poland - Back

czwartek, 4 maja 2017

RWB 993 Kabuto in magical garage of Nakai-San

Yeah, I'm proud and happy - my artwork arrived to magical garage of Nakai-San. RWB 993 Kabuto is on the garage ceiling ha!... Po prostu bosko! Mój plakat z RWB 993 Kabuto wisi na suficie w magicznym garażu Nakai-Sana. Coś wspaniałego!...
Wielkie dzięki dla Kenichi Hayakawa i Chern Wong!


piątek, 14 kwietnia 2017

poniedziałek, 30 stycznia 2017

Akira Nakai-San & RWB 993 Kodachi poster

Next RWB Porsche in my posters collection :)... RWB 993 Kodachi from RAUH-Welt Begriff Australia in anime Akira style... Następny Porszak ze stajni RWB, tym razem z Australii... Akira Nakai-San zaatakowany przez gang Koala :)...
Pozdrowienia dla Cherna Wonga z RWB Australia!

Detal czyli Akira i gang Koala :D...

czwartek, 26 stycznia 2017

Mrozu - Sierść/Fur

My last animation madness with Natka Bucior and Michał Andruch -  new video of polish singer Mrozu - Fur... Director and designs of course Aliaksandr „Saszka" Kanavalau... Razem z Natką i Michałem poszaleliśmy animacyjnie nad nowym teledyskiem dla Mroza - Sierść... Reżyserował i zaprojektował oczywiście Saszka - od razu można rozpoznać jego stylistykę!...
Kawał fajnej muzy!